Discover Our Pest Control Services in Mississauga and the Surrounding Areas
By turning to the trusted pest control and wildlife removal and management technicians at North Star Pest Control, you can secure the structure of your property and safeguard your loved ones. Our technicians have decades of experience in safely and effectively removing pests from the Mississauga home and our experience means we can respond to all pest control requirements with precision.
In managing your pest control and removal needs, it’s important to learn more on the impact that pests can have on your property and so here we’ll highlight some of the pest control issues Mississauga and the surrounding area homeowners face:
We offer comprehensive removal and control strategies for bed bug infestations. One of the most obvious challenges during bed bug infestation events is the speed in which the infestation can grow. In just a few weeks, a home can become overrun with bed bugs if the issue isn’t professionally handled. It’s why it’s so important to call our team if you suspect a bed bug problem in your home. To begin this process, call our technicians now to determine whether you have a bed bug issue. We’ll respond immediately and give you the benefit of our decades of experience in the local pest control industry.
Whether it’s mice or rats in your home, rodents are known to carry diseases and cause significant structural issues throughout your property. One of the most common problems Mississauga homeowners face is mice chewing through their electrical and ductwork. This can often mean that a home’s electrical system has to be re-wired at great cost to the homeowner. Mice and rats can also emit loud squeaking noises throughout their most active time in the night, making it difficult to enjoy your sleep. Our team will deliver the comprehensive pest control services in Mississauga that will definitely handle all sorts of rodents. Call us now to discover more.
On the street and in your garden, the average racoon holds little threat as long as you leave it alone. But when racoons enter your home or garage space, they can cause significant damage. They can chew through wood and damage framing. The creature is also widely known to carry rabies, which is a disease deadly in humans. And this means, if you discover racoons in and around your home, it’s time to call an experienced pest control and wildlife removal team. Our team offers humane and environmentally-friendly pest control and removal services. Call now to discover more on our work.
Birds, whether they’re larger creatures such as geese or smaller species such as starlings and swallows, rarely enter private homes. However, injured creatures often seek a warm space while they deal with their health problem. It’s important if you discover either injured or healthy birds in your property that you respond promptly by calling a pest control and wildlife removal expert. Bird feces can carry numerous diseases and their nests can interfere with your electrical and ductwork. Their impact on the home can cause thousands of dollars in damages. Our team is available now to help you in managing the problem.
When you have a problem with termites in your property, you’ll need an immediate consultation with a professional pest control service provider. Termites can cause lasting and potentially harmful damage to your home structure. Likewise, wasps can be a dangerous element in the home space. These types of dangerous insects are common throughout the region and our team at North Star Pest Control has decades of experience helping homeowners manage their insect control challenges. We work to first isolate their entry point in the home, and then use the latest techniques to ensure that all insect remnants and nests are removed from your property.
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Here’s why so many Mississauga homeowners trust us:
Short response times
We’ll respond at a moment’s notice when you encounter a pest control issue. Our qualified technicians are immediately dispatched to your home when you call us. This means you never have to wait as the problem develops.
Comprehensive experience
We have comprehensive experience in a complete range of pest control areas. This means we can identify specific species by their behaviour and nest. It also means we can quickly mitigate the danger within the home and secure properties against common threats.
Expert communication
One of the most common challenges homeowners have in managing pest control challenges is they don’t understand the techniques involved. When you speak to a North Star Pest Control expert, we’ll explain the entire process simply for you to ensure you’re aware of all removal steps.
North Star Pest Control is the leader for outstanding pest control and wildlife removal/management in the Mississauga and surrounding areas. To learn more, or to book a consultation in your home, call us today, 416-540-2694 or simply fill out our online quick contact form below.
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